Thursday, January 25, 2007

Doublet Skirt (I love calling it a skirt - skirtskirtskirt...)

Em, yes. Well, I have actually been working on Tom's costume (that would be Erik, with a few modifications). I'm fingerweaving the trim (which was probably a bad idea to start with, even though it looks good, because now I have a lot of cord to weave...), so it's taking me a bit. Tonight I finished the trim for the doublet skirt, and sewed it up.

It's not impressive (actually quite unimpressive, just look at those wobbly edges!!), but this is what it looks like. I made it up in four pieces, so that I could have the pretty diagonal stripes going every whichaway. Which, of course, you can't see in the picture.

The above picture just shows how I clipped the edges; every layer is clipped separately. And those two long strings hanging out of the seam? That's my cord trim. I can't weave a piece long enough to go all the way around the skirt (the trim is just sewn on the very edge of the seam), so I made two pieces and sewed them into the seam at Center Back.

I think I posted this before, but I'll post it again. I learned how to fingerweave my cord from this article, on the Tudor Costume Page. It really makes a grand, sturdy, authentic-looking cord. And anything that looks authentic has a place in my heart... ;-)

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